Airforce Meme – Me and the Other Boeings

Funny airforce meme shows images of Boeing fighter jets that appear to be smiling. Image says "Me and the Boeings".

#AirforceMemes #BoeingFighterJets #AircraftHumor #MilitaryAviation #FunnyMemes #PlanePersonality #MilitaryHumor #AviationJokes #SmilingPlanes #AirplaneMemes #FighterJetMemes

Nerd Emoji Meme

Funny meme says "Are you HTTP? Because without you I'm just ://"

Are you HTTP? Because without you I’m just :// #funny #nerd #nerdhumour #geek #memes #onlymemez #NerdEmojiMeme #GeekHumor #FunnyMemes

What Makes a Good Meme?

Funny Meme when somebody shows you a meme you have had saved for the last three years Clearly u dont know who I am

Memes have become an integral part of internet culture, and the internet is flooded with countless memes, some hilarious and some not so much. A funny meme can quickly become viral and spread like wildfire, creating a sensation on social media. But what makes a meme funny and why do some memes make us laugh out loud while others don’t?