I was walking in my neighborhood when I spotted Ed Sheeran walking towards me wearing his signature cargo shorts. Suddenly, I remembered a ridiculous rumor that I’d heard and decided to put it to the test.
“Hey, Ed!” I called out. “Can I ask you a riddle about yourself?”
Being the good sport that he is, Ed agreed to play along. I asked him the riddle that I had come up with:
“What has more than 10 billion views on YouTube but can’t be seen by the naked eye?”
Ed thought for a moment, but couldn’t come up with the answer. “The answer is Ed Sheeran when he disappears back into the leprechaun’s abyss,” I informed him.
According to the rumor, I was entitled to the contents of his largest pocket.
With excitement, I reached into his pocket and pulled out…a live lobster! I couldn’t believe it – a lobster in his pocket? How random was that?
But then, Ed let out a scream that sounded like nothing I’d ever heard before. “My lobster!” he screeched, snatching the crustacean from my hands. “That was for my dinner tonight!”
I was taken aback as Ed ran off down the street, still screaming and clutching the lobster. I couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation. Who knew that Ed Sheeran would carry around a live lobster in his pocket?
From that day on, whenever I heard an Ed Sheeran song on the radio, I couldn’t help but smile and think of the time I found a lobster in his cargo shorts. And of course, the tricky riddle that almost won me a delicious dinner.