In a lab of questionable ethics, deep in secrecy’s embrace, a mad scientist pursued his twisted vision. Through wicked experiments, he merged nature and industry, giving birth to the dreaded “bread horses.” Majestic creatures were subjected to his unholy infusion, transforming their bodies into nightmarish abominations. Picture their distorted forms—once elegant, now grotesque loaves of bread, crusts hardened, interiors soft and doughy. With vacant, hollow eyes, they galloped at an eerie pace, terrorizing the land. Villages trembled and emptied, chaos reigned supreme. The scientist’s motives remained obscured—did he revel in their havoc or regret his grotesque creation? The tale of the bread horses stands as a grim reminder: meddling with nature’s delicate balance reaps monstrous consequences. The world, forever haunted, cowers in the shadow of these cursed equine bakers.