Funny Star Wars meme shows image of buff Yoda training buff Luke. Comments say "Gains you must get, bro" "Dafuq is this? lol"
“Lift you must, young Skywalker,” he said, as he handed him a pair of dumbbells. “Feel the pump, you will.” #StarWars #gym #steroids #lifting

Broda, the steroid-taking Yoda, was in his element as he trained Luke Skywalker. “Lift you must, young Skywalker,” he said, as he handed him a pair of dumbbells. “Feel the pump, you will.”

Luke, who had also been hitting the steroids pretty hard, was eager to impress his mentor. He started lifting the weights with ease, grunting with effort. “More weight, I need,” he said, in his best Broda impression.

Broda nodded approvingly. “Good, good,” he said. “But remember, size matters not. It’s how you use the Force.”

Luke, feeling inspired, closed his eyes and focused all his energy on the weights. Suddenly, with a burst of power, he lifted them high above his head, causing the gym equipment to shake and rattle.

Broda looked on in amazement. “Strong in the Force, you are,” he said, as he gave Luke a high-five. “But don’t forget, the dark side of steroids leads to shrinkage, it does.”

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